About Me

Hi, I am bunnies4ever. I am a 7th grader in Washington. My favorite animals are rabbits. I have 1 rabbit and 2 cats. I used to have another cat and 2 fish. I love stuffed animals. And any animal. My  favorite color is yellow and my favorite shade is white. My favorite type of rabbit New Zealand. I like fishing. I like eating fish. I like video games. My favorite video game is roblox. I like fishing for Salmon. My favorite fish to catch is either sockeye or pink salmon. My favorite food is homemade mac and cheese. My rabbit’s name is Nibble’s. I like being lazy and sitting on the couch with either a remote, computer or kindle in my hands. My favorite movie is Star Wars Rouge One. I like going on vacation. My favorite place to go on vacation is either Texas or Hawaii. I also LOVE going on vacation to Norway!!!!! (Sadly I’ve only been once.)